GOTR Spring 2019 Season

Hey guys!

Man what a whirlwind these past couple of weeks have been! I just began my second semester interning for Girls on the Run of the Big Bend. This semester I am serving as GOTRBB’s Volunteer Coordinator, which basically means I am in charge of recruiting and tracking all of GOTR’S 100+ volunteers, all with various purposes serving on different committee’s like the 5K committee, Sneaker Soiree committee, etc.

One exciting part of my job is that I get the opportunity to share the GOTR mission and values with other students in the FSU community. This past week, myself and Carrie- the Executive Director- met with two students in leadership courses on campus that I will be guiding through out their time with our team. Working with other students who share my passion for helping girls to realize their limitless potential makes me truly. optimistic for our future. In the short time that I have worked with them, these students have displayed great ambition and dedication.

I’m currently working on placing these students with their various committees, recruiting running buddies for the girls, and meeting as many members of the GOTR team as possible. This semester is off to a great start, and has already proven to be one that will challenge me in ways that I have yet to experience, but I am excited for it all!

Talk to you soon!

Colleen McMahon

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